Below are listed the major manufactures and suppliers of various drag devices. All of these have put significant time, energy, and money into designing and developing their products.
There are also many chandlers around the world that stock and supply various types of sea-anchors (including, unbelievably, some of the old cone patterns), and drogues. When possible we recommend dealing directly with the manufacturers as from them you will get the best expert advice for your own personal situation.
The ones that support and contribute data to the DDB are shown in bold. This does not mean their devices are better - but it does indicate that they are open-minded and willing to share what they learn with the wider community for the overall improvement of safety at sea. We encourage you, where possible, to deal with these suppliers.
If you do chose to use a supplier that is not currently supporting the DDDB please use your influence as a customer to persuade them otherwise! The more freely we can share data, the better we can ALL learn. There are plenty enough seafarers to provide enough customers for ALL the manufacturers if they can work with a spirit of 'co-opetition' instead of pure competition.
And, once again, if you have occasion to use a drag device in a storm (or even in more moderate conditions but have some learning points to pass on) please contribute your experiences to the database!
(In alphabetical order)
Ace Sailmakers (Dave Pelissier) - Jordan Series Drogues® in complete or kit form.
Coppins Sea Anchors - Para Anchors ranging from 3m (10') to 40m (130') in diameter
Para-Tech Engineering (Don Whilden) - Para Anchors and Delta® drogues in UK makes Jordan Series Drogues. Ready to mount cones and complete drogues.
Fiorentino (Zack Smith) - Para Anchors and SHARK™ drogues
Hathaway, Reiser and Raymond- Galerider drogues
Para-Anchors Australia Pty. Ltd. (Alby McCracken) - Para Anchors 4 - 90' diameter and ring-slot style Para Drogues, also made in the UK by Ocean Safety
Seabrake (John Abernethy) - Seabrake drogues
Series Drogue Australia (Brian Glover) - kits and fully completed series drogues.
If you know of other manufacturers, please let us know! in UK makes Jordan Series Drogues. Ready to mount cones and complete drogues.
Thanks Kenneth, I have added them to the page.